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Light Pollution

For people living in the National Capital Region, the bright lights of the metropolis are nothing new but a comfort of the ever industrialization of the capital. The fast pacing changes in the landscape of the cities is a constant reminder of the country’s competitiveness in the global arena. However, the sparkling lights are not always diamond and beauty. There are cases that shinning, and the shimmering of lights can take away the beauty of the night sky.

Figure 1 : The Philippines at Night Source :

Figure 1 : The Philippines at Night Source :

With the growing economy and the modernization of different cities, people rely on the security and comfort of the artificial lighting at night. Streetlights are utilized to illuminate late night workers, advertisements are flashed with blinding lights to capture the interest of consumers, concerts and events use beautiful lighting effects to create a festive atmosphere, and even some households use lighting systems to illuminate their own beautiful gardens and landscapes.

The excessive illumination from the artificial lights contribute to Light Pollution. According to the Dark-Sky Association, Light Pollution is “the inappropriate or excessive use of artificial light.” This is common especially to a more industrialize and modern location where lights are always, if not, sometimes, inappropriately used. The light comes from excessive illumination from outdoor artificial lights such as streetlights, advertisement lights, building lights, car lights, residential areas, and effects like skyglow, light trespass, and glare, and other sources that have a misdirected light.

Figure 2: The Milky Way With and Without Excessive Light Source:

Figure 2: The Milky Way With and Without Excessive Light


All in excess can bring harm not only to human beings but also to the environment. There are organisms that depend on the rhythmic cycle of the night and day. Due to the extreme illumination from the artificial light sources, organisms that depend on the darkness of the night are gravely affected.

Light Pollution causes the birds to be disoriented and blinded by the glare. This resulted for them to hit building walls and windows, which led to their demise. Some animals depend on moonlight. With the misdirected light, animals tend to mistake them as natural lighting thus, causing ill effects on their biological processes.

With the washing of the star lights, there is difficulty in seeing the beauty of the night sky. Humankind loses their connection with the stars, the moon, and celestial objects. People can only see less stars and less astronomical objects thus, there is less appreciation in the magnificence of the cosmos.

There are different ways to reduce Light Pollution. The following are some of tips to help Mother Earth in your own ways:

Figure 3 : Different Components of Light Pollution Source:

Figure 3 : Different Components of Light Pollution Source:

1. Educate yourself. Read and study various ways on how to reduce light pollution.

2. Share your learning. A better way to apply your learning is by sharing the knowledge you gained. Talk with your neighbors and friends. Share the different tips in decreasing excessive lighting. Educate them by sharing the benefits and harmful effects of light pollution. Some of the things to share:

a. Turn-on lights when needed and in necessary areas.

b. Use lights that can illuminate with enough light. Do not use too much light.

c. Use lights that have less blue light emissions.

d. Redirect light downwards.

3. Check your home. Apply what you learned in your own home. Check your own fixtures and replace them with environmentally friendly lighting system. If you have an outside lighting, make sure that the light is directed downward and directed properly to avoid wasteful illumination contributing to light pollution.

4. Avoid landscaping lighting. There are people who use night lights for their garden and landscapes. However, the use of inappropriate lighting adds to excess artificial light. Artificial night lights also affect the biological process of the plants and other organism living within the area. If one insists, make sure that the lighting is directed downward at a proper angle to avoid light trespasses and glares.

5. Communicate with your Community Leaders. Streetlamps are placed for the safety of the community, however, there are lighting systems that can contribute to light pollution. If you observed that the streetlights are contributors of light pollution, kindly report to your community leaders and present ways to reduce excessive lighting.

With these simple ways, one can contribute to reduce light pollution and with the effort of the humankind, who know, it’s possible that the beauty of the Milky Way can be seen again in the night sky.


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