About Astrosoc
Astronomy draws from, and contributes to, many fields of knowledge. It is inextricably related to engineering, geology, remote sensing, physics, atmospheric and environmental science, biology and biochemistry, and even philosophy and entrepreneurship. The powerful desire of astronomers to teach what they know and have discovered results into a partnership between astronomy and education.
We cross-fertilized these inter-related fields in the BS in Astronomy Technology course. The course we designed is customized to be wide in scope. Research and observation will be given priority, to push the frontiers of knowledge of these fields at least in the Philippines for the meanwhile.
We have faithfully complied with the CHED mandated general education subjects to ensure the fullest development of the students as human beings and citizens of the Republic.
The degree will give the graduates the scientific knowledge, an extensive knowledge in communications and computers, management skills, teaching skills, and take such knowledge for employment in many fields or to develop new innovations and exploit them to create new business.
The RTU Astronomy Society Organizational Chart