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A long time ago, astronomy and astrology were the same. People studied the motions of the planets and hoped to used them to predict not only the behavior of the heavens, but also wars, natural disasters, the rise and fall of kings, and other earthly matters. However, around the time of Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, and Isaac Newton, astronomers came to realize that astrology and astronomy was a completely separate field. From that time on, the primary job of an astronomer was to use physics to understand what was going on in the sky. As discussed, Astronomy is a formal science while Astrology is pseudo-science and superstition. Both Astronomy and Astrology study heavens but Astronomy does not make any predictions about what will happen in an individual’s life. The only predictions made through Astronomy are about the path of different celestial bodies, how long till we can see our end of their existence and such. As a result, astronomers are considered scientist and command respect as they try to unravel mysteries surrounding celestial bodies.

ASTRONOMY is the scientific study of the motion of celestial bodies such as stars, planets, comets, galaxies, and phenomena that originate outside the earth’s atmosphere such as cosmic background radiation and is very similar to astrophysics, which is why it is accepted as a science. It is concerned with the evolution, physics, chemistry, meteorology, and motion of celestial objects as well as the formation and development of the universe. Most modern studies of astronomy fall within astrophysics, but within this popular field, there are also theoretical and observational branches. These two areas work in conjunction, as the creation of computer models and intensive analysis of data is critical to supporting observations of distant galaxies, stars, comets, moons, supernovae and other phenomena.

ASTROLOGY continued to be part of mainstream science until the late 1600s. It is the study of the movement of celestial bodies and attempts to study how these positions, motions, and properties such as the sun, moon, stars, etc. affect an individual’s personality and also have a bearing on his present and future. It has many of the trappings of real science, like math and complicated diagrams and a specialized vocabulary, but astrologers do not follow the scientific method and don't do experiments to prove their theories. Instead, they like to provide anecdotal evidence - stories people tell about how accurate they think astrology is. Anecdotal evidence is not acceptable in a real science because it's too easy to leave out all the negative experiences people have, and people are not very good at recalling and accurately reporting their experiences. Astrology is now regarded as a pastime and a pseudoscience, though thousands of people around the world still invoke advice from astrologers and astrology publications in making important professional, medical, and personal experiences.



  • Astronomy is the oldest science being studied and the name is derived from the Greek word “ASTRON” means stars and “NOMOS” means an arrangement of law.

  • On our earliest ancestors, humans have used the motions of celestial objects to position themselves in space and time which they used to plan the length of days of their hunting and gathering activities.

  • Astronomy has included discipline as diverse as astrometry, celestial navigation, observational astronomy and the making of calendars.


  • Astrology continued to be a part of science since the 1600s when Isaac Newton demonstrated some of the physical processes by which celestial bodies affect each other. But today, Astrology is now regarded as a pastime and a pseudo-science or beliefs.

  • Astrology is used to create the horoscope of the people on Earth.

  • There are facts and beliefs on Astrology that each people have more than one sign or horoscope and your moon sign is the sign that speaks to your emotions. Also, your sun sign is what motivates you from the heart and deep within. That signs don’t influence your physical appearance but they can describe it.

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